How To Lose Weight Without Exercise - Try These 2 Easy Tips

Hi Guys!


Previously, I’ve written about my journey to lose my weight and body fat, and how The 2 Week Diet Plan had been instrumental in my weight loss (I’ve also written about my review of the diet here).


The diet plan ebook had taught me a lot of things about how our body works and how we can lose our weight. Now in this article, I would like to share some tips and tricks from the ebook on how to lose weight without exercise. Interested? Then continue reading!

It All Depends On Total Calorie Consumption Vs. Calorie Usage

First and foremost, we need to know the universal rule for weight loss or weight gain: caloric consumption vs. caloric usage.


Simply, it means if we’re eating more food/calorie than what our body uses, then we will gain weight. Conversely, eating lesser food than what our body uses will cause us to lose weight.


I believe almost everyone know about this general rule. But the main mistake that people make is they overestimate their caloric usage (during normal and when exercising) and underestimate the calories of the food they eat.


What happens is the caloric deficit (achieved when calorie eaten is lesser than the energy used by body) is too small or not even happening when they went on a “diet” or doing lots of exercise.

Losing Weight Is A Marathon

One thing that really opened my mind is that losing weight is a marathon. There’s no such thing as dropping a few pounds in days (though The 2 Week Diet Plan did managed to help people lose up to 8 pounds in just 2 weeks - check out a testimonial here). >>>>>> 

Losing weight (and gaining weight) happens gradually and over a long period of time. Imagine this, you will need to burn off 3500 kcal worth of calories just to drop/gain 1 pound. 3500 kcal actually is about the amount of calories in 2 days worth of foods.


So you have to not eat anything for 2 days just to drop 1 pound! You can try it if you dare (though I’m not advocating it) but the key point is losing weight is a gradual process and require dedication and consistency. 


In order to effectively lose weight, we will need to count (or estimate) the amount of calories that we eat is always lower than what our body needs, or the Basal Metabolic Rate, BMR. You can use the calculator at this website to calculate your own BMR.


Now, I’m going to share 2 easy tips on how to lose weight without needing any exercise.

1 - Skip Breakfast

The easiest way to cut my calories that I’ve learn from the 2 week diet plan is to skip breakfast. While most people say breakfast is the most important meal in the day, I beg to differ. I’ve been on the diet plan for a few months now skipping breakfast and I never feel as great as I currently am.


Sure, I feel a bit hungry in the morning but those are just hunger pangs that are not dangerous and will go away by drinking just a cup of plain water.


In addition, skipping breakfast also is a form of intermittent fasting as you’re “fasting” for 16-18 hours from the previous day’s dinner to lunchtime. Intermittent fasting has lots of benefit on weight loss as it forced our body to use excess stored energy in the body (I’ll write more on this in another post).

2 - Stop Eating and Drinking Sugar

The second easiest step is to stop drinking and eating any sugary food. Yes, that means no soda, no ice cream, no juices, no cakes, no puddings, no cookies, no dessert, and other similar foods/drinks.


These foods/drinks contain lots of calorie (from 100 kcal to 1000 kcal!) in each serving and can easily put a lot of calorie into your diet.


 Cutting off these foods will not even do you any harm as these don’t have any nutritional value in it and can even bring with it lots of health complications. Without a doubt, these kind of foods are the one that you should avoid at all costs!




I hope this post will be able to help you in your weight loss quest. If you want further tips, do check out this great article on other tips. Till next time! 

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