How To Lose Belly Fat Fast? – Try These Easy 3 Tips

Hi Guys!


Anyone with a big belly would definitely wish that they can lose their belly fat. While conventional wisdom says that weight loss won’t happen swiftly, there’s a way for us to lose our belly fat fast. In this post, I’ll be going to share my top 3 tips on how to lose belly fat fast!

1- Skip Breakfast and Do Intermittent Fasting

My favorite tip is to skip breakfast and do intermittent fasting. While skipping breakfast is a form of intermittent fasting (we actually fast for 16-18 hours when we skip breakfast), the intermittent fasting that I recommend here is the 24-hour fast method (my favorite is the dinner to dinner though you can do lunch to lunch too).


I’ve actually touched about skipping breakfast and intermittent fasting in my previous posts (do check out both of these posts too!) but for clarity’s sake, I’ll be briefly describing the benefits of these.


When we fast and devoid of food, what happens is our body will be deprived of its readily available energy from the foods. This deprivation means that it will need to get energy from our storage energy, that is the fats around out body.


And where is the most fats are located? Yes, at our belly, thigh and butt! Skipping breakfast and intermittent fasting works very very well to shift our body metabolism from using food as energy to using fat storage as energy and these are my best tips if you want to lose belly fat fast!


But do keep in mind that this tip should never be used by a diabetic or if you’re not used to fasting. I’d recommend to start slowly by shifting your breakfast towards lunchtime gradually.

2- Reduce Calories From Sugars And Carbohydrates

The first rule of weight loss is to eat lesser than your body will use and this means calorie counting is needed. Only by doing this our body will be forced to use more fat storage to lose our weight.


Another important tip that I want to talk about here is to reduce your calorie from sugars or carbohydrates. That includes everything from pasta, potato, rice, bread, pastries, to cakes, cookies, soda, etc.


The rational is these sugars and carbohydrates will cause insulin spike in your blood. Now, insulin is a very important to stabilize blood sugar level but it will also impede fat burning. Keeping it low by stop eating sugar and carbohydrate sources is another easy way we can boost fat burning.

3- Exercise

Last but not least, exercise. While it’s possible to lose weight without exercise, you can really boost belly fat burning IF you also do exercise in addition to the dieting and tips above (I do think this is totally logical right? LOL!). There are three main benefits of exercise:


  1. First, it burns more energy due to the movements.
  2. Secondly, our metabolism will be increased for few hours after the exercise itself, which helps to burn off more fat!
  3. Lastly, exercise will build our muscles and this can help to tone and define our body for a more model-like look.

Hope this article helps you in your weight loss goal. If you want to know more tips about how to lose belly fat fast, you can also read this article. Read also my review of the 2 Week Diet Plan that have really helped me to lose pounds of my weight in just weeks! Till next time then.

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