Sciatica SOS Review – A Great Way To Treat Your Sciatica Pain

Hi Guys!


In this post, I’m going to write about how can Sciatica SOS helps with sciatica pain. I’ve used this information ebook a few years ago when I had sciatica pain (as a consequence of a back injury I got back then, more on that later) and I can say it’s well worth my money.

My Experience With Sciatica Pain

A few years ago, I had a back injury due to falling off during a horse ride. While the fall is not that hard, I did land on a bad position which caused injury to my spine. A visit to a doctor and an x-ray scan confirmed that I had slipped/herniated disc and hence, began my journey with lower back pain.


While my physiotherapy helped with my slipped disc to the point that I’m able to carry on with my normal life, I noticed that my movement is not as fluid as before.


If you’ve also experienced slipped disc, I’m sure you’ll notice how your lower back seems to ache and pain almost all the time. It’s excruciating and very discomforting, though I can still live with it thanks to the physiotherapy treatments. 

But there’s one thing that really hurt me – and that is sciatica pain.

Sciatica Pain Can Come At Anytime!

With lower back pain, you’ll be able to get a rough estimate when the pain will come. Basically it depends on your body position and posture – a bad posture with slouching will increase stress on the lower back and increase your pain. 


But my main issue with sciatica pain was that it can come at anytime. I can still remember I was walking on the street and suddenly sciatica pain strike at my thigh. I had to stop walking and stand still for a few minutes to let it pass. 


In addition to being too painful, it was also quite embarrassing as the people around me looked strangely at me suddenly stopping from walking on a busy street.

Luckily, I Encountered Sciatica SOS

From that bad experience, I began to find ways on how to treat my sciatica. From my research, I found that sciatica pain is not like lower back injury in terms of its severity which means that it’s entirely possible to treat it without going to a doctor for treatment (I was also trying to save some money at that time).


After looking and trying some exercises on the internet, my sciatica pain improved but it’s not enough as I still got the occasional strikes sometime.


A friend introduced me to Sciatica SOS and after looking at it’s website, I found that the product to be quite useful. I quickly grabbed it and finished reading the ebook in just 1 day.


What’s Inside Sciatica SOS?

Sciatica SOS is comprised of a few sections that I can summarize below:


1-Introduction to Sciatica


In this section, the ebook introduced about what is sciatica and what causes it to happen. This is very important as the cause of sciatica will affect the type of treatment that you want to use.


2- Non-Exercise Sciatica Treatments

The second section is the non-exercise sciatica treatments where there are a few treatments that we can use all day long without having to do exercise.


In my opinion, exercise is the best way to stop sciatica pain from happening but these non-exercise treatments can also be done if your back pain is too severe so much so it’s not possible for you to exercise. One of my favorite is the absolutely delicious carrot juice that helps to contain muscle spasms.


3-Exercise Sciatica Treatments

As I’ve mentioned earlier, you have to do exercises to stretch out your muscles and release the stresses inside it to have a hope of stopping sciatica pain.


Inside the ebook, there are various exercises that you can use and all of them comes with helpful pictures to guide you on how to do it correctly. By the way, you can try doing hamstring stretch (pictured above) as it really helped me with my sciatica pain before.


4-Sleep And Posture Therapy


The last part is the sleep and posture therapy. In here, the ebook will guide you on what’s the best posture when you’re sitting, standing or sleeping. This is very important to get the body weight flowing in the most optimum way instead of stressing out our back which will lead to muscles spasms (and sciatica pain!).

What I like to do is to sleep on my side and put a pillow in-between my knees. This sleeping position is one of the best for a sciatica and low back pain sufferer as it helps take off the stress from our spine.


The knee pillow is there to help keep our pelvis/hips natural and not rotated. Try it and I'm sure you'll straight away feel the difference!



I hop you have benefited from this short review of the Sciatica SOS. If you need further info about the ebook, you can also read these helpful reviews at and Thanks for reading!

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