Unlock Your Hip Flexors Review – Can This Help With Your Tight Hips?

Hi Guys!


In this blog post, I’m going to share with you my thoughts about the Unlock Your Hip Flexors ebook. It’s the ebook that I highly recommend for anyone with a tight hip flexors problem because of how effective it is. Well, continue reading this review to find out why!

How To Treat Tight Hip Flexors?

Well, the only known way to treat tight hip flexors is by doing stretching and exercise. If you’re suffering from it and had searched about it on google, I’m sure you’ll notice there’s a lot of free resources about how you can treat it.


There’s even a lot of videos done on youtube about this. So why do we need to buy an ebook instead of using these free items?

There are lots of free videos about how to treat tight hip. But do they all work?
There are lots of free videos about how to treat tight hip. But do they all work?

The reason is these free resources don’t work. To clarify, it will give some relief but it won’t be long term and before you know it, your tight hip flexors will be back – and yes, this is me speaking from experience after doing a lot of these free exercise videos.

Why Is Tight Hip Flexors So Hard To Treat?

The reason why simple stretching won’t be enough is because tight hip flexors are caused by excessive sittings usually done by adults.


If you’re like me, working on a desk for up to 8-10 hours daily, our hips will be adjusted to the sitting position and this will cause the muscles to develop a strength imbalance.


This is the main cause of tight hip flexors. And since this is a product of hours times years of sitting, there is no way a simple stretching will be enough to undo it!

Unlock Your Hip Flexors – 10 Sequential Flow Exercise Method

The reason why Unlock Your Hip Flexors is so effective and work so well is because of its comprehensive exercise regime using 10 steps/exercises in a flow.


What you need to do is to do 10 exercises in a determined sequence that has been designed to unravel and unlock our tight hips effectively.


Why this work so well is because the tight muscles are located deep inside our hips and to reach it, we will need to work through all those muscle layers.

Not Just Your Normal Static Stretching!

Another reason why I feel the Unlock Your Hip Flexors is a great solution is because it uses not just static stretching like those free resources.


Inside the exercise method, the 10 exercises also consist of dynamic stretching, PNF stretching, core stability exercise and also mobility exercise.


In short, it will work your hip area much more to not only stretch the tight muscles, but also give more flexibility and stability to the hips by strengthening the weaken muscles.


Not only that, I found the diverse exercises to be very fun to do instead of the usual boring stretching.

What Do You Get From The Unlock Your Hip Flexors Purchase?

1-The Ebook itself


It’s the core of the program. The ebook will teach everything that you need to know about tight hip flexors. The second part of it is the exercise part where you will be instructed on how to do the exercises.


I really like the ebook because it has a lot of pictures which make the exercise instruction very clear to follow.


2-Coaching Video

While the ebook is great and comprehensive in its own right, I do feel the coaching video that came with every purchase is something that is very beneficial to be watched.


Inside the video, the creator of the program, Rick Kaselj himself were there to give directions on how to do the exercises. What I love is the video will tell you the tips and tricks on how to make the exercises more effective – something that you can’t find inside the ebook.


3-Follow Along Video


Do you like to use exercise videos and follow it along like the old times? The Unlock Your Hip Flexors got it too!


Inside this video, a model will be doing all the 10 exercises in the actual sequence and repetitions/sets as its intended to so that you can just follow along. Perfect for when you want to do a mini class with your friends and family.


4-Bonus Ebooks


Last but not least, some bonus ebooks. To be frank, I don’t really go through the bonus items as it’s not what I want to know about (and because I just don’t have the time for that!). But you might find something that you need from it.


I hope that this Unlock Your Hip Flexors ebook review will be beneficial to you. If you need further info, do check out other reviews about it on healthandfitnessstartwithyou.com and on davidjordansblog.home.blog. Cheers!


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