Want To Lose Weight In 2 Weeks Naturally? Try My 3 Top Tips

Hi Guys!


I’ve got a lot of questions on how one can lose weight naturally in short span of time – like in 2 weeks. To anyone that have tried dieting before, 2 weeks might seem like an impossible duration but in my experience, it’s totally possible. 


The truth is most dieters or those that tried to lose weight did it wrong or don’t try hard enough. A simple tweak to your diet (like forgoing those deserts) will surely cause you to lose weight over time because of the calorie reduction. 

But this will take a long time to see a significant effect because our body need to burn lots of calories just to lose weight - it’s estimated that 1 pound of fat lose can only be achieved by burning 3,500 kcal worth of calories, or about 2 days worth of food!


So what can you do to lose weight in just 2 weeks or other short amount of time? Well, let me tell you my top 3 tips to lose weight naturally. Read on!


1-Create Calorie Deficit

As I’ve mentioned in my previous article, weight loss can only be achieved by creating a calorie deficit whereby your daily calorie intake is lesser than what your body uses. By doing this, the body will be forced to use the glycogen and fat storage inside it to make up for the deficit, and thus losing weight in the process. 


But as I’ve mentioned above, rapid weight loss is only possible if the deficit is high enough. What you can do is to eat about 30%-40% less calorie than your BMR (or Basal Metabolic Rate), the benchmark energy needed by your body.


This BMR is easily calculated (click here to a useful website calculator) and from there you can work out the upper limit of calorie that you can eat daily (simply reduce it by 30%-40%).


Another great way to reduce calorie is by doing intermittent fasting. It’s a very easy way to cut lots of calorie as you will be skipping meal/s. I’ve frequently used this to help me keep my weight in check. 


One rule with fasting is that you MUST keep the other meals intact and not succumb to your appetite and eat a lot to compensate the fasting. This is counter-productive as we actually want to reduce lots of calories by skipping meals.



I’m sure you already see this coming. To lose weight fast (as in 2 weeks fast), just dieting won’t be enough. You will need an extra push from exercising. Exercise will increase our metabolism which also works toward creating a bigger calorie deficit, thus losing much more weight in the process. 


Not only that, the muscles worked out during exercise will keep on burning energy for a few hours afterwards which really is something that you want. For rapid weight loss, I’d suggest to do exercise every single day for 20 to 30 minutes at a time. By the way, don’t just hop into the treadmill and do boring jogging. 


Spice it up with full body workout using weights as it will cause your whole body to be an energy burning machine. Besides, it will make your body better looking with those added muscles.


3-Reduce Carbohydrate And Increase Protein & Vegetables

My last tip is to reduce carbohydrate (or simply carb) and increase protein intake in your diet. While carb is important for energy, our body don’t really need it as it does not contain an important nutrient inside it. 


Protein and vegetables, however, contain the bulk of nutrients that are needed for a fully functioning human body. In addition, carb will also increase our insulin level which is something that we want as a high insulin level will cause the body to not use the body fat storage as energy.


If you want to learn more about how to lose weight fast, you can also read this excellent article. By the way, I’ve learnt all that I know about losing weight from the 2 Week Diet program which works very very well for me. Check out my review of it to know more.

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