
4 Rules You Must Follow To Have A Healthy Diet Plan To Lose Weight Fast

Hi Guys!


Losing weight is not an easy thing to do. I'm sure you can agree with me on this.


I've been there and I know it sucks. Trying to lose weight - only to find out later on that there's not much weight loss happening - is one of the worst feeling.


I felt sad, angry and surprised. Who wouldn't feel that way after cutting out so many foods out of my daily diet.


But I was fortunate because I picked up an ebook called The 2 Week Diet. This ebook taught me about a revolutionary diet that helped me to lose up to 6 pounds in just 2 weeks (no kidding there!).


Fast forward a few months after that, I found that the ebook didn't only taught me about dieting methods, it also taught me about the general rules of dieting, specifically how to have a healthy diet plan to lose weight fast.


I found that these rules or principles are the key characteristics that I've been missing prior to finding the ebook.


Before this, I only follow blindly the dieting methods without thinking about what it will bring into my life.


In this article, I'm going to share with you the 4 top rules that you must follow to have a healthy diet plan to lose weight fast.


4 Rules For A Healthy Diet Plan To Lose Weight Fast

1- No Sugar!

Sugar is the biggest factor for obesity and why people nowadays are becoming fat. This one is the biggest sin that most people seem to eat - even though they know it's wrong!


If you have a sweet tooth and consume refined sugar (in any form: drinks, biscuits, desserts, etc.) then chances are you won't be losing weight soon.


Sugar packs a whopping ton of calories in just a single serving. And to make matters worse, most people tend to  use a lot of it to sweeten and make their foods delicious.


Not to mention that if you're hooked, there's a good chance that you will be addicted and crave it.


The first thing that I did was to cut off sugar from my diet. While it's hard and can be tempting to do (since most of my friends and family still consume sugar on daily basis), I loved the positive effect it brought into my life.


There's no more "sugar crash" after a glucose-laden dessert. My weight was reducing even though the volume of food that I ate was similar.


Without a doubt, you need to stop eating sugar to lose weight!

2- Eat More Vegetables

Vegetables are one of the best foods that you need to eat. It's packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber - all the good stuffs that will support a healthy body.


That reason can be the only reason why you have to eat vegetables.


The amount of nutrients that veges have is so huge that you can't really get it from any other source i.e meat, grain, etc. It's definitely needed to have a healthy body.


In addition to that, vegetables have very little calories in it so you can eat a whole lot of veges without increasing your weight.


I also love the fact that vegetables help with digestion thanks to its fiber content. Digestion is one of the most overlooked factor in weight loss imho.


Just think about it, if you have a bad digestion, the foods that you eat will be stuck in your intestines for a longer time (more than a day).


But if you have a good digestion whereby you're defecating everyday, the foods will go out from your system and this leads to a lighter body and less bloating.


The end result? A weight loss and toner body =) 

3- Exercise

Exercise is one of the things that people will do first when they try to lose weight.


But they never thought about combining exercise with dieting in the first place.


I have to tell you that combination of exercise and dieting is a lethal combo - that is if done right, you'll be sure to lose some serious weight!


But how do you have a good exercise session?


Just follow this 3-pronged approach:


  1. Full Body: In addition to cardiovascular exercises, do also full body workout to tone and build muscle mass.
  2. Intensity: Ensure your workouts are intense and challenging enough.
  3. Frequency: Get a good 4-5 workouts per week to constantly keep your body metabolism high.

4- Stay Consistent

Rome was not built in a day.


The same is true with losing weight. There's no way that you can do some dieting, do some exercise and then expect to lose serious pounds over a few days.


The people that I've met that have lost a lot of weight did so over a long time period. They stuck to their diet and exercise regime, so much so it have been ingrained into them.


They made healthy diet plan as part of their life.


It is this kind of consistency and dedication that will be the key factor whether you will be able to achieve your weight loss goals or not.

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